Copyright Registration

Copyright gives the holders of intellectual, literary, scientific and artistic creations the exclusive right to dispose of and use their work or authorize their use by third parties, in whole or in part.

Purchasing a copyrighted work does not give you the right to transmit or copy it even for private use (for example: making copies of CDs). Using copyrighted works generally requires contact with the owner or a collective management society who can agree to a license.

This right of exploitation lasts for the life of the holder and for a further 50 years after his death. It covers numerous intellectual creations, including:

Books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, slogans and other writings;

Conferences, lessons, addresses and sermons;

Dramatic and dramatic-musical works and their staging;

Choreographic works and pantomimes, the expression of which is fixed in writing or otherwise;

Cinematographic works;

Applied works of art, industrial designs, and design, painting;

Sculpture, drawing works, tapestries, ceramics, tile, engraving, lithography and architecture;

Projects, sketches, and plastic works relating to architecture, urban planning, geography or other sciences;



Data base;

Computer programs.

Protect your intellectual property

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