
Substrato – Espaços Verdes e Eco-jardinagem Lda

Substrato builds and maintains green spaces with a perspective of nature conservation and sustainable development of the environmental infra-structure, as basis of life quality.

BeOnLand – Landscape Architecture

BeOnLand follows an ideology that combines both respect for landscape and sensibility, demanded by landscape architecture. Project’s are developed twords seeking every landscape’s essence and recognizing them as spaces on continuous changing aiming to merge people’s cultural aspects and traditions with nature.
By sharing experiences, ideas and energy, BeOnLand team is able to creatively design spaces meant to be lived and experienced by everyone.

Atelier 4D Perspectivas. Projectos de Arquitectura Paisagista

4D Perspectivas’ atelier develops works on different Landscape Architecture’s areas. No matter the projects dimensions, every space design articulates the particular characteristics of the area under intervention and the user’s daily needs.


Supplier of water tanks in steel, covered with different material liners, for industrial and agricultural applications.

Sistemes Electrònics PROGRÉS S.A

Founded by Jaume Solsona Estradé and Enric Segarra Bosch in January 1985 with the goal to design, produce and commercialize equipments and electronic systems for agriculture and livestock.

PROGRÉS manufactures the well known Agronic controllers, the monocable communication systems and more recently, the Agrobee systems.

NaanDan Jain

Develops, creates and sells services and products of high technology on different world countries. With a big range of products and solutions on localized irrigation technologies and equipment, their aim is to rapidly become the world’s leader of this specific area.


Head supplier of dosing equipment and instruments for Europe, USA, Occidental Asia, Russia and North Africa.
Works on water treatments and residual waters for food and agricultural industries among others.


Head business on producing and distributing products and equipments for water treatments, saline electrolyses systems for pools and irrigation automatisms. ATH is a solid company with more than 15 years of existence and is made of an extensive team of professionals with large experience on hydraulics and water sector.


Pioneer company on utilizing copper and silver ions as disinfectant agents of a natural water electrophysical process, which is nowadays a valid alternative to water treatment systems based on the application of chemical agents.
Its success and results come from the company’s compromise to treat water with maximum environmental and economic security based on an intense research and cooperation between scientists and laboratories of international renown.

PM Group

PM Group develops and makes new and innovative products that match up the needs of its clients all over the world. Its layflat is a success case associated with excellent performances on the most varied pressure ranges at a fair and competitive price.

Moncorvagri Lda

Moncorvagri is a Portuguese company founded in 1987 with headquarters in Torre de Moncorvo, Bragança’s district. It was developed on the agricultural know-how of its founder and manager José Manuel Rachado.

Irripax Lda

Acting on the most diversified agricultural aspects but with special impact on drip irrigation systems on vines and olive trees and sprinkler systems with irrigation pivots, Irripax is a solid, experienced and skilled company.
Irripax serves farmers since 1996.

Agro2001 Lda

Founded in 1991, Agro 2001 has been molding agriculture on its region. By introducing new technologies and giving support to farmers on different aspects of fruticulture. Agro 2001 is currently a reference to the ones who seek their space in agriculture.

PM Comercial

With a strong presence on its acting area PM Comercial assists the producer since 1995. PM Comercial intervenes on service and product commercialization both for agriculture and livestock, assuring its clients a proximity service of high quality.

Ansiagro Lda

Ansiagro’s Society aims to supply phytopharmaceutical products, fertilizers, plants, irrigation equipments, agricultural machinery and technical support to all agricultural producers in its area of activity. It desires to make available products with bigger quality, more effective and suitable to each case, focusing its commercial activity on a proximity basis.

ARDM – Sistemas de Rega Lda.

ARDM operates in the area of installing drip irrigation systems, with a team that brings together the know-how of several years of experience in the irrigation systems market, in the areas of project design; installation / assembly; technical assistance and consultancy.

Aquamatic (Algarve) Sistemas de rega, Lda

With a large experience on designing and building irritation systems for green areas and golf, Aquamatic Algarve gives its clients a fast and trustworthy service.


Manuel de Oliveira Ferreira’s company started its activity on March 1983. It commercializes materials and offers services on electric installations, low/medium tension and plumbing’s namely on irrigation and pumping systems.

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Irrigation and water treatment systems for agriculture, green spaces and swimming pools

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