Immunity is an essential component of body’s set mechanisms defence, capable for offering pathogens resistance, allowing maintaining your integrity and biological individuality. Thanks to this, human body can overcome the disease and recover its health.
By strengthening immune system, we are actively prepared to react favourably (without illness or with mild illness) to infection by new viruses and other microorganisms!
Keep the indoor atmosphere sufficiently moist: the main reason why viral and bacterial infections are much more frequent in winter than in summer is because during winter indoor air is too dry due to overheating.
Avoid fear as well as panic: both cause anxiety, which increases the production of cortisol (by adrenal gland), which depresses immune system.
Reduce anxiety: a practical, quick, effective way to reduce anxiety is controlled breathing.
Preserve a regular sleep regime: a bad night’s sleep is enough to damage immune system.
Eliminate the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs: any of them can harm your immune system.
Hydrate properly: drink plenty of water, >2L / day for women and > 2.5L / day for men.
Follow an anti-inflammatory integrity and functionality maintenance of immune system also depends on adequate levels of vitamins and mineral salts, especially in elderly where nutritional deficiencies are more common.
Take nutritional supplements that improve immunity: integrity and functionality maintenance of immune system also depends on adequate levels of vitamins and mineral salts, especially in elderly where nutritional deficiencies are more common.
Maintain or acquire a good hormonal balance: the hormonal profile affects directly and indirectly the state of our immune system, so that in order not to be compromised it is important to ensure an optimal hormonal status.
Photobiomodulation with laser: it has a non-specific action in the body that results in a curative effect in various pathological conditions and diseases, and which is also explained by its effect on the activation of the body’s defences, using Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).
Microimmunotherapy: has specific action on the cells responsible for the body’s immune response to new pathogens, and non-specific to known agents.